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The Primeval Origins® Epic Saga - The Blue Steel Epic Chronicles (Books 1 thru 4)

A Little Bit About My Award-Winning Science Fantasy Book Series, the Universe Behind It, and Why You Should Grab It.

The Primeval Origins® Epic Saga

To Save the Future, they must Defeat the Past!

The multiple award-winning Primeval Origins® Epic Saga is a daring and exciting multi-genre science fantasy adventure revealing humanity's creation spark shrouded in the lost understanding as myth and legends. A tale of Mankind's struggles and battles to survive... exist in the ancient time of First Man on Earth when the powerful gods walked with and above man, and to humanity's prophetic future when beings of power and the divine meet in battle ending the war between good and evil.

In this meticulously researched tapestry of legends, B.A. Vonsik entwines humanity’s mythologies, scientific discoveries, and religious wisdoms into a seamless whole. Cleverly contrasting modern research with ancient knowledge, this multiple-award-winning series will leave you breathless and questioning as you delve into its intricacies.

Trek with Our Heroes on their journey discovering Our coming future and ancient undiscovered history filled with Ageless Tyrannies, Brutal Beasts, Deadly Dinosaurs, Merciless Monsters of Sinister Making, Forgotten Gods, and Heroic Hearts pitted in the timeless Battle against Ancient Powers of Old and Legend, fighting for Our Eternal Souls.

A story 65 million years in the making where Jurassic Park meets Stargate SG 1!

  • Great Story - Series Winning 42 Literary Awards!

  • An Epic Science Fantasy Saga like no other!

  • Based on Our Oldest Myths and Legends!

  • Filled with the discovered science of today!

  • Steeped in the World Religions we Embrace!

  • Vibrant and Cool Characters with Heroic Hearts and Suffered Purpose Battling for Survival both Past and Future!

  • ...Against the Ancient Gods and Powers of Old and Legend!

  • ...Against the Mighty of First Man!

  • ...Against Brutal Beasts and Merciless Monsters of Sinister Making!

  • ...And, of course, Dinosaurs...not the cuddly creatures of Jurassic Park, but the very unfriendly and deadly beasts of our Ancient Earth!

  • And, if that wasn't enough...

    • A great and grand saga spanning the times of First Man on Earth to Our coming future!

    • Science accurate worlds melded with Our growing speculative understandings in science!

    • Cool characters you will love to love and love to hate battling the forces of nature, amongst themselves, and the ancient powers of Our Myths and Legends as they live the Spark of Man guided by the Hand of the Divine!

    • A Science Fantasy series with a lot of Awards and a crap-ton of great praise!

Get My Book (#1)!

Purchase My Book (#1) on Amazon or Other Online Stores...

Go Purchase my Book, Paths of Anguish (Bk1).

Primeval Origins: Paths of Anguish

Book #1 in the Blue Steel Epic Chronicles

Winner of 11 Literary Awards and Honors

To Save the Future, they must Defeat the Past!

She scoffs at the legends of long-ago civilizations. He grew up battling deadly dinosaurs. When their lifelines intersect, can Nikki and Rogaan survive humanity’s genesis and the deliverers of Providence in our apocalyptic end times…the Four Horsemen…gripped in the forever battle for Our Eternal Souls?

  • Meet Nikki and her dino dig crew as they make a discovery that will change the world!

  • Follow along with Nikki as she experiences... relives the painful and dangerous past life of the Baraan youngling Rogaan in the civilization of First Man!

  • Experience the wonders and terrors of ancient Earth where dinosaurs and monsters of sinister making reign supreme with fledgling mankind struggling to survive... while immersed in the depths of political intrigue giving birth to Our Divine future!

  • Share Nikki's suffering at the hands of agents from the World Government as they cruelly covet her discovery.

Get My Book (#2)!

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Go Purchase my Book, Light of Honor (Bk 2).

Primeval Origins: Light of Honor

Book #2 in the Blue Steel Epic Chronicles

Winner of 11 Literary Awards and Honors

To Save the Future, they must Defeat the Past!

She discovers the legends of long-ago civilizations are real. They grew up battling deadly dinosaurs and ancient corruptions. When their lifelines intersect, can Nikki, Rogaan, and Aren survive humanity’s genesis and the deliverers of Providence in our apocalyptic end times…the Four Horsemen…in the ancient battle for Our Eternal Souls?
  • Journey with Nikki and Anders as they make their fateful attempt fleeing from the governments of the world who seek their ancient discovery... and of new allies more powerful than the world is ready for!

  • Suffer with Nikki her continuing experiences... reliving the harrowing past lives of the Baraan and Evendiir younglings, Rogaan and Aren, from the First Man civilization!

  • Experience the civilized world of First Man on Earth filled with wonders and amazing prosperity... and corruptions so deep that they threaten the survival of all!

  • Discover malevolent forces set against our ancient heroes and those more benevolent secretly aiding them and Nikki... both past and present!

Get My Book (#3)!

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Go Purchase my Book, Rise of Serpents (Bk 3).

Primeval Origins: Rise of Serpents

Book #3 in the Blue Steel Epic Chronicles

Winner of 19 Literary Awards and Honors

To Save the Future, they must Defeat the Past!

She learns the legends of long-ago civilizations are entwined with our future. They grew up battling deadly dinosaurs, monsters of making, and ancient evils. When their lifelines intersect, can Nikki, Rogaan, Aren, and Ezerus survive humanity’s genesis and the deliverers of Providence in our apocalyptic end times…the Four Horsemen…in the ancient battle for Our Eternal Souls?
  • Continue the journey with Nikki, Anders, and their new ancient allies as they seek refuge from world governments now hunting them!

  • Suffer Nikki's growing entanglements with the third warrior of old... reliving his and all of their dread-filled past lives in the First Man civilization!

  • Learn of the hostile forces and petulant ancient gods, right out of our myths and legends, hellbent on using our primeval heroes... or destroying them!

  • Live the epic battle when the militaries of our future world governments collide all coveting Nikki's and Ander's ancient discoveries as the heroes summon a rising new power on Earth!

Keep Up-to-Date on Book #4 Developments and My Other Works!

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Title to Be Announced

Book #4 in the Blue Steel Epic Chronicles

Writings are in the Works...

To Save the Future, they must Defeat the Past!

She finds the legends of long-ago civilizations and forgotten beings are shaping our future. They grew up battling deadly dinosaurs, monsters of sinister makings, warriors of the Celestial Realms, and ancient evils. When their lifelines intersect, can Nikki, Rogaan, Aren, Ezerus, Icharo, and Im'Kas survive humanity’s genesis and the deliverers of Providence in our apocalyptic end times… Horsemen of the Divine… in the ancient battle for Our Eternal Souls?
  • Conclusion to the Blue Steel Epic Ancient Story!

  • Discover with Nikki and her new allies from Earth's long forgotten past, the powers and evils pitted against mankind are both physical and from the beyond!

  • Suffering entanglements with their memories and minds, Nikki learns of her unexpected connections to the Horsemen... and becomes aware of her own forgotten past!

  • Driven into the forbidden mountain lands of Dilmu, Rogaan, Aren, and Ezerus must overcome new and more dangerous threats to both themselves and to all they love... the Sentii and their gods!

  • Experience Our dystopian future with Nikki and her friends as they fight for liberty and life for themselves and the innocent all around them!

B.A. Vonsik and Celestial Fury Publishing

Orlando, Florida

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